Distinguished Sustainability Scientist and Founding Director of the Global Drylands Center at Arizona State University, Dr. Osvaldo Sala, has been named an honorary member of the Asociacion Argentina de Ecologia (AsAE). Honorary members are recognized for their extraordinary contribution to ecology as a science and to the functioning of AsAE. Dr. Sala was recognized at the XXVIII Reunion Argentina de Ecologia in October in the city of Mar del Plata. The meeting, held biennially and organized by AsAE, included a symposium honoring Dr Sala’s research legacy and commemorating the 30th anniversary of his 1988 seminal paper “Primary production of the central grassland region of the United States: spatial pattern and major controls“.
AsAE is an association that “brings together researchers, professors, fellows, professionals and students from all branches of environmental science,” (https://asaeargentina.com.ar/historia-objetivos-mision/). A primary role for AsAE is to promote Argentine ecological research. The association also addresses the application of ecology to environmental problems and contributes to the management of sustainable resources.
Congratulations Dr. Sala!