April 5, 2024 | Fort McDowell, AZ
program | logistics | participants
Transdisciplinary approaches are frequently invoked for addressing the most pressing problems currently affecting humanity. Challenges like global climate change, inequality, and sustainable cities cannot be understood or responded to by a single method or discipline, and ASU prides itself for fostering transdisciplinary work in teaching and research. However, scholars in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities can understand the concept of transdisciplinarity in noticeably divergent ways. In this workshop, we want to explore the following questions: How do ideas about what constitutes transdisciplinarity impact faculty research and teaching at ASU? What factors push faculty towards transdisciplinary work, and what factors pull them away from it? How do ASU faculty understand the relationships between transdisciplinarity, community-engaged research, and the co-production of knowledge?
Schedule of Events:
10:00 – 10:30 AM | Coffee Service, Hospitality Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
10:30 – 11:30 AM | Welcome & Introductions | Origin & Expected Outcomes Osvaldo Sala & Jason Bruner | Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
11:30 – 12:00 AM | Previous Takeaways from Different Disciplines Jingle Wu, Daniel Gilfillan & Peter de Marneffe | Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
12:00 – 1:00 PM | Lunch Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
1:00 – 1:15 PM | Intro to Coproduction Steward Pickett | Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
1:15 – 2:15 PM | Working Group 1 | Coproduction & Transdisciplinarity Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
2:15 – 2:30 PM | Reporting, Working Group 1 Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
2:30 – 2:45 PM | Break Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
2:45 – 3:45 PM | Working Group 2 | Drivers: Pushes & Pulls for Transdisciplinarity Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
3:45 – 4:00 PM | Reporting, Working Group 2 Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
4:00 – 4:30 PM | Future Outcomes & Anticipated Actions Osvaldo Sala & Jason Bruner | Y’ow Hospitality Suite |
Venue Information & Maps
The workshop will be hosted at We-Ko-Pa, in the Y’ow Hospitality Suite.
The Yo’w Hospitality Suite is located on the first floor just past the Hotel Front Desk on the right side of the hallway. A layout of the We’Ko’Pa Resort can be found here. If you have any issue finding the suite, please reach out to Em Gonzalez at (623) 249-8675.
Driving directions from ASU to workshop venue.
Attendee List
Director of Desert Humanities Initiative, Institute Humanities Research
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences
Senior Global Futures Scientist, Global Futures Scientists and Scholars
Regents Professor, SHPRS History Faculty
Associate Professor, German, School of International Letters and Cultures
Associate Vice Provost for Discovery, Engagement and Outcomes & Professor, Global Futures Laboratory
Director, Center for Environmental Economics and Sustainability Policy
Professor, School of Life Sciences
Regents’ Professor & Center Director, SST Women and Gender Studies
Professor, Philosophy, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Professor, School of Social Work
Founding Director, Baltimore Ecosystem Study
Regents’ Professor, Global Drylands Center
Professor, School Of Earth and Space Exploration
Dean’s Distinguished Professor, School of Life Sciences
Support: Em Gonzalez
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