Category: Archive


A recent article “Water controls on nitrogen transformations and stocks in an arid ecosystem” led by Lara Reichmann (see Publications) and published in Ecosphere showed novel interactions between water availability and nitrogen cycling. Net nitrogen mineralization was insensitive to changes in water availability but plant uptake was not. Consequently, mineral nitrogen accumulated under dry conditions because the mineralization was not…

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SARAS Workshop: “Abrupt grass-woodland transitions: Determinants and consequences for ecosystem services”

The South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies (SARAS) will gather  scientists and artists in Punta del Este, Maldonado, Uruguay from December 16th to 19th, to synthesize our understanding of  the determinants and consequences of abrupt grass-woodland transitions in different ecological systems. This is an interdiciplinary worshop involving economists, natural resource managers,  ecologists,  artists, and hydrologists.  

New Paper

A recent paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society PDF developed theory of regional and temporal controls of aboveground net primary production and tested hypotheses using existing long-term data. Legacies revealed by the association of current- versus previous-year conditions through the temporal series occur across all ecosystem types from deserts to mesic grasslands. Therefore, previous-year precipitation and…

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Welcome José Andón

Welcome José Andón to the Sala Lab. He joined our lab last month and  will be working on the project Woody-plant encroachment: Degradation or a shift in the portfolio of ecosystem services?. This is a project supported by National Academies Keck Future Initiatives.