Category: Uncategorized

Osvaldo Sala selected as President Elect for the Ecological Society of America

Our own Osvaldo Sala, ASU professor and Global Drylands Center founding director, was recently named the President Elect of the Ecological Society of America (ESA), the largest community of ecologists. Here, Osvaldo reflects on this recent appointment: “It is an enormous honor to serve the largest body of ecologists dedicated to understanding ecological systems and devising the best practices for sustaining biodiversity…

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Global Drylands Center call for proposals

The Global Drylands Center at ASU invites scientists at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to submit proposals for collaboration with Ben-Gurion University in Israel. The Global Drylands Center will fund two international research proposals in Environmental Sciences between BGU and ASU-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty. The expectation is that proposals will present new cutting edge, collaborative…

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From ecosystem ecology, rainout shelters, and woody plant encroachment…

…to biocrusts, cattle cams, K-12 education, and rodent community dyanmics – Sala Lab learns all about what is happening at the Jornada Basin LTER! From July 10-13, the 9 Sala Lab members attended the 2017 Jornada LTER meeting to learn all about ongoing research in the basin. This symposium engaged attendees from 6+ universities with over 30 talks, a field trip…

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